Open source is the bread and butter of the community; it also makes us happy, but can it sustain a company? Execu-types will happily leech off OSS without contributing back, but there’s a better way! In this talk I’ll walk through how you can build an OSS-centric company. How to fund it, run it, and use it to build your project and community. Whether you’re looking to build a new company around open source, or simply integrate more OSS-love into your existing business, this talk is for you. Leah is an all-around OSS advocate, & Co-founder of Tilde, a successful OSS-centric business. She’s a member of the Ember Core Team, and works on annual events like GoGaRuCo, EmberConf and RailsConf. She’s spent years supporting OSS projects however she could, all while maintaining real paying jobs.

About Leah Silber

Leah is a member of the Ember Core Team, a recently retired member of the jQuery Core Team, and one of the organizers behind the annual Golden Gate Ruby Conference, EmberConf and RailsConf. She spends most of her daytime hours at the startup she founded, Tilde Inc., where she works with numerous open source projects to help build communities and events.

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