A little more about Jason

Jason Hunter has been a Software Engineer at Red Ventures in various capacities over the past 4 years. Most recently, he heads up development for the insurance division. In 2010, Jason took the reigns of the local PHP User Group but has been woefully negligent of late. He also helps organize the annual TechCLT Holiday Party, which brings together people from many of the local technology user groups for end of year festivities. In his (little) free time, he enjoys taking his car to the track and spending time with his lovely wife and daughter.

Jason's Presentation

API Anecdotes and Aspirations

Everyone loves to hate the decisions other developers make. We point and gibe with our fellow co-workers at the dumb thing that other guy did, all the while knowing that in all likelihood somebody else is saying the same about us. This is especially true when it comes to API design.

In this talk, I will share some anecdotes about personal experiences I have had while integrating APIs over the past few years and give some tips to help you overcome any premature hair loss when working under similar circumstances. We will then turn the talk on its head and discuss steps that can be taken to mitigate being on the receiving end of a developer's temper tantrum.

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