A little more about Michael

Michael Labriola is Senior Consultant at Digital Primates, architect of several open source projects, and a PMC member and committer for Apache Flex. He has been developing Internet applications since 1995 and has consulted for many of the world’s top brands. Michael is the co-author of five books on Internet technologies, an international speaker and team mentor and has delivered solutions for enterprises worldwide using a variety of platforms and technologies. His free time is spent escaping from technology through wine and food.

Michael's Presentation

Hands-on with Polymer

Web Components allow for the viewing of web applications as a set of encapsulated, maintainable and reusable components. This half-day session will teach participants to work with the Polymer libraries to begin creating web components today, while learning about concepts such as the Shadow DOM, HTML Imports and Custom elements. This is a bleeding edge session, based on pre-alpha software, but it’s also insanely cool and undeniably useful. Michelle Yaiser and Michael Labriola invite you to come learn how to integrate these pieces into your process today in order to bring sanity and reuse to your world.

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